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Display Table Data From RethinkDB In Phoenix Framework

I'm attempting to display data from my databases in RethinkDB (using the rethinkdb-elixir package from Hamiltop in Phoenix. I'm relati

Solution 1:

The problem here is that your data structure in @users is of type %RethinkDB.Collection{} (source) which cannot be output using <%=...%>

You will likely want to iterate over your users to output them. Something like:

<%= for user <- do %>
  <p><%= "#{user["first_name"]} #{user["last_name"]}" %>!</p>
<% end %>

Here we are using a list comprehension to iterate over all the items on the array. This is a common way to output an array of elements (such as users, blog posts, comments, etc.) in EEx.

You might also want to consider passing though as @users instead of q to prevent having to do

As an aside, you can also use pattern matching inside the list comprehension:

<%= for %{"first_name" => first_name, "last_name" => last_name} <- do %>
  <p><%= "#{first_name} #{last_name}" %>!</p>
<% end %>

This is useful if you don't plan on using many of the fields in the map.

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