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How Best To Make A Link Submit A Form

What's the best way to get a regular anchor () to submit the form it is embedded in when clicked?
  • <

Solution 1:

Why don't you use an <input> or <button> element and just tweak it with CSS? Then it works without Javascript and is therefore more reliable.

Solution 2:

The simplest way to do that would be use something like this:

<a href="#" onclick="document.formName.submit();">

Solution 3:

I am using this now every time. Because the submit button in my project usually a link (by wrap an image or CSS), so I use this:

<a href="#" onclick="$(this).closest('form').submit(); return false;">Submit</a>

Don't forget it is using jQuery too.

You can wrap in your own function. So it always submit the parent element (form) on that link.

Solution 4:

As long as the link is a direct child of the form, you can use this. You don't need to know the name of the form. Works in at least Firefox and Chrome.

<form action="">
    <a href="" onclick="parentNode.submit();return false;">Submit</a>
</form> tells me x.parentNode works in all browsers, so this should work everywhere.

Solution 5:

loop through parent nodes until you find an element with tagname that indicates it's a form!

                The link could be <span>embedded <a href="" onclick="get_form(this).submit(); return false">at any level</a></span>
                in the form, so "this.parentNode.parentNode..." is no good. :(

<script type="text/javascript">
    function get_form( element )
        while( element )
            element = element.parentNode
            if( element.tagName.toLowerCase() == "form" )
                //alert( element ) //debug/test
                return element
        return 0; //error: no form found in ancestors

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