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Only Show Specific Div With Anchor

First of all, my coding skills are very basic so please bear with me. I am making a website for an art exhibition which has many people contributing. I have a page called profile

Solution 1:

Assuming you have:

  • A wrapper with class="profile" around each profile
  • And id on each pofile wrapper, matching your hash (like "")

Then I believe you want something like this:

// On page load

    // React to clicks on anchors
    window.onhashchange = hashChanged;

    // React to directly type urls


// When the URL hash (#something) changes
function hashChanged() {
    // hide all profiles
    // get the current hasj minus '#'
    var profileId = window.location.hash.substr(1);
    // show only the appropriate profile
    $('#' + profileId).show();

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