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Html Email With Tables Send From Plsql Package And Viewed In Lotus Notes

I was trying to send html from oracle plsql package..the code worked and i received the email in lotus notes client. But the html table gets shrunk when window size is changed in l

Solution 1:

Sadly, I have not figured out a reliable way to get the Lotus Notes client to do style tags. You could try the style attributes within each cell, but your best bet is to avoid CSS wherever possible and, however painful it may be, force your table width with a row like

<tr><td colspan="5"><img width="500" height="1" src="../../DelOptionSpacer.gif"/></td></tr>

Where the source leads to the database's DelOptionSpacer.gif image resource (which is a clear gif in the 9.0 mail template... not sure about 8.5). You might be better off with a src of ="../../DelOptionSpacer.gif?OpenImageResource"

Other tips:

  • You are missing your </table> tag at the end.
  • You might wish to consider using <th> tags instead of <td> tags in the first row.

I know Domino can be frustrating sometimes! I often tell people it's like building with Duplo blocks - you can get close to what you want VERY quickly but, often, it's not easy to get exactly what you want.

- Hopefully I'm wrong??? Anyone???

- untested

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