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Send Email From SQL Server Database With Multiple Tables In Email Body

I am challenged by the following task. Here is my question in detail: I need to send email from SQL Server with HTML table format that the email body will have several tables. Qu

Solution 1:

Using the function I provide here you can do this:

DECLARE @tbl TABLE(Field1 INT, Field2 VARCHAR(10), Field3 VARCHAR(10));

--The query will build this as one big XHTML

SELECT (SELECT N'Section: Field3="Value1"' AS p FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE)
        (SELECT * FROM @tbl WHERE Field3='Value1' FOR XML PATH('row'), ELEMENTS XSINIL)
,(SELECT N'Section: Field3="Value2"' AS p FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE)
        (SELECT * FROM @tbl WHERE Field3='Value2' FOR XML PATH('row'), ELEMENTS XSINIL)
,(SELECT N'Section: Field3="Value3"' AS p FOR XML PATH(''),TYPE)
        (SELECT * FROM @tbl WHERE Field3='Value3' FOR XML PATH('row'), ELEMENTS XSINIL)
FOR XML PATH('body'),ROOT('html');

This is the result (click run code snippet to see the result formatted)

    <p>Section: Field3="Value1"</p>
    <p>Section: Field3="Value2"</p>
    <p>Section: Field3="Value3"</p>

Embedd a <style> node to add CSS formatting

Find further possibilities and background at the link provided above...

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