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How To Make Generic Function In Database Html5?

can you please tell me how to make generic function in database HTML5.It mean I will pass name of 'Table' .Or If possible we can pass column names of table with data type ? Can you

Solution 1:

You can do this by creating an array and defining it on global level. Please find the working DEMO

<inputtype="text"id="UserName" name="UserName" placeholder="Username" value="Rohit">
<inputtype="password"id="Password" name="Password" placeholder="Password" value="Password">
<inputtype="submit"id="submit" value="Log in" data-mini="true">


var arrcolumnName = ['UserName', 'Password'];
var tablename = 'tbl_Login'

$('#submit').click(function () {

functionsubmitForm() {
    var _UserName = $('#UserName').val();
    var _Password = $('#Password').val();
    var arrValue = _UserName + '|' + _Password;
    var arr = arrValue.split("|");
    InsertIntoTable(tablename, arrcolumnName, arr);

functionInsertQuery(tablename, arrColumn, arrValues) {
    var query = "";
    query += "INSERT INTO " + tablename + " (";
    for (i = 0; i < arrColumn.length; i++)
    query += arrColumn[i] + ",";

    query = query.substring(0, query.length - 1);
    query += ") VALUES ("for (i = 0; i < arrValues.length; i++)
    query += "'" + arrValues[i] + "',";
    query = query.substring(0, query.length - 1);
    query += ")"return query;

functionInsertIntoTable(tablename, arrColumn, arrValue) {
    var db = CreateDB();
    varQuery = InsertQuery(tablename, arrColumn, arrValue)
    db.transaction(populateDB, errorDB, successDB);

functionpopulateDB(tx) {
    CreateTable(tablename, arrcolumnName, tx);

functionerrorDB(err) {

functionsuccessDB() {
    alert('Insert Success!!!');

functionCreateDB() {
    var db = window.openDatabase('TrialDB1', '', 'my first database', 5 * 1024 * 1024);
    return db;

functionCreateTable(tablename, arrColumn, tx) {
    varQuery = CreateTableQuery(tablename, arrColumn);

functionCreateTableQuery(tablename, arrColumn) {
    var query = "";
    query += "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + tablename + " (";
    for (i = 0; i < arrColumn.length; i++)
    query += arrColumn[i] + ",";

    query = query.substring(0, query.length - 1);
    query += ")"return query;

Solution 2:

The answer is difficult to answer since we don't know where to get the values from.

I suggest you to make an adjustment to the createTable function (you can pass in later what you want):

html5rocks.webdb.createTable = function(tableName, fields) {
  var db = html5rocks.webdb.db;

  db.transaction(function(tx) {
    tx.executeSql("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "+tableName+"("+fields+")", []);

Call it like this:

html5rocks.webdb.createTable("Student", "ID INTEGER PRIMARY KEY ASC, todo TEXT, added_on DATETIME");

Be aware that WebDB lost from IndexedDB in becoming the new HTML5 standard for client databases. You should use IndexedDB.

Solution 3:

We have created query where we pass tablename and array of columns, I have modified the function for you which takes other third paramater i.e datatype

functionCreateQuery(tablename, arrColumn,arrDataType) {
    var query = "";
    query += "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS " + tablename + " (";
    for (i = 0; i < arrColumn.length; i++)
        query += arrColumn[i] + " " + arrDataType[i] + ",";

    query = query.substring(0, query.length - 1);
    query += ")"return query;

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