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Php Tcpdf Create Multiple Pdfs With One Command

I want to export data with pdf.When i select one record it works fine...How to create multiple pdfs with one click? here is what i tried require_once('eng.php'); require_once('tcp

Solution 1:

Following code is working for me :

Use variable of variable and create new pdf object in loop, use 'F' instead of 'D' to save to server.

$pageLayout = array(750, 800); 

 '<html><body>Document A</body></html>',
 '<html><body>Document B</body></html>',
 '<html><body>Document C</body></html>'

$pdfname = $pdf . $i;
$$pdfname =new TCPDF('P', 'pt', $pageLayout, true, 'UTF-8', false);
$$pdfname->writeHTML($html, true, false, true, false, '');
$$pdfname->Output('filename_' . $i . '.pdf', 'D');

Solution 2:

Try this:

$pageLayout = array(750, 800); 

 '<html><body>Document A</body></html>',
 '<html><body>Document B</body></html>',
 '<html><body>Document C</body></html>'

    $pdf =new TCPDF('P', 'pt', $pageLayout, true, 'UTF-8', false);
    $pdf->writeHTML($html, true, false, true, false, '');
    $pdf->Output('filename_' . $i . '.pdf', 'D');

Solution 3:

I have refined the answer to match my comment

$pageLayout = array(750, 800); 

 '<html><body>Document A</body></html>',
 '<html><body>Document B</body></html>',
 '<html><body>Document C</body></html>'

$zip = new ZipArchive();
$filename = "/tmp/";
$zip->open($filename, ZipArchive::CREATE);

    $pdf =new TCPDF('P', 'pt', $pageLayout, true, 'UTF-8', false);
    $pdf->writeHTML($html, true, false, true, false, '');
    $pdf->Output('/tmp/filename_' . $i . '.pdf', 'F');
    $zip->addFile('/tmp/filename_' . $i . '.pdf','filename_' . $i . '.pdf');


header('Content-type: application/zip');
header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""');

The answer asumes a posix environment the /tmp directory this is only as an example you should use sys_get_temp_dir() to get the temp directory, you should also delete the files after they have been download.

Solution 4:

I was creating a pdf document to save in the disk and it also worked perfectly within the loop. Here I have copied only that function has the loop

        foreach($this->ordersList as$store => $storeord){
         // to stop the tcpd overwriting the headers and calculating wrong page numbers used $nextstore$filename = 'Click and Collect List to '.$this->storeID.'-'.$this->storename;
                    // Master page headers$this->pdf->SetFont('Arial','B');

                    $this->pdf->Cell(20,10,'Date ordered',1,0,'C',1,'',1);
                    $this->pdf->Cell(15,10,'Customer ID',1,0,'C',1,'',1);
                // Master page list of ordersforeach($storeordas$ord => $det){                       
                    $this->pdf->Cell(15,10,''. $ord,1,0,'L',1);
                    $this->pdf->Cell(20,10,''. $det[orderdate],1,0,'L',1);
                    $this->pdf->Cell(05,10,''. $det[qty],1,0,'L',1);
                    $this->pdf->Cell(15,10,''. $det[custID],1,0,'L',1);
                    $this->pdf->Cell(30,10,''. $det[custName],1,0,'L',1);                        
                    $this->pdf->Cell(25,10,''. $det[mobile],1,0,'L',1);
                    $this->pdf->MultiCell(70,10,''. $det[address],1,'L',false);                        
                // Draw Collection page for each store$this->pdf->AddPage();                    
             $this->pdf->Output('Click and Collect List to - '.$this->storeID.'-'.$this->storename.'.pdf','F');


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