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Get State Name From Drop Down List After Click Submit Button (part 3)

Cont. on Pass city name from php to js (part 2) State data json ($stateJsonObject): Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [stateId] => s1 [stateName] => Kuala Lumpur)

Solution 1:

If this is submitted on the same page, you could add the currently submitted entry and put a checked attribute inside the loop:

    <selectname="state"id="state"onchange="showCity(this, 'city')"><optionvalue ="">select one</option><?phpfor($i = 0; $i < count($stateJsonObject); $i++)
                $selected = ($stateJsonObject[$i]->stateId == $_POST['state']) ? 'checked' : '';
                echo"<option value='".$stateJsonObject[$i]->stateId."' $selected>";
                echo$stateJsonObject[$i] -> stateName;
        ?></select><inputtype="submit"name="submit"value="Submit" /></form>

Or with a foreach variant:

foreach($stateJsonObjectas$state) {
    $stateId = $state->stateId;
    $stateName = $state->stateName;
    $selected = ($stateId == $_POST['state']) ? 'checked' : '';
    echo"<option value='$stateId' $selected>$stateName</option>";

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