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How To Set Multiple Css Display Property Values With Jquery

Ok, this is driving me a bit batty. I am using the jQuery .css() method to try to set the multiple flexbox display properties needed for a class. Problem is, it only keeps the last

Solution 1:



   display : -webkit-box;
   display : -webkit-flex;
   display : -moz-box;
   display : -ms-flexbox;
   display : flex;

You can use addClass() method to add test class into your element. in css() method display property must be getting overrides hence the last one is only applying.

Solution 2:

Store it in a variable:

var displayStyle = [
  'display: -webkit-box',
  'display: -webkit-flex',
  'display: -moz-box',
  'display: -ms-flexbox',
  'display: flex'

$(document).ready(function() {
  $(".department-name").attr('style', displayStyle);

Solution 3:

Nevermind. There is an h4 inside that .departmentnamediv that I changed the display property for, so problem solved. Thanks for the feedback though.

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