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Jquery How To Make $(this) Selector Fires Multiple Classes

I have 2 tables with different class that have same contain. Table 1 shown in main section and the second table shown on a popup function. Both table still on the same page html. I

Solution 1:

From this- Event binding on dynamically created elements?

on function in jQuery can attach event to already created elements only directly.

For example, you can use following code for dynamically created table2-

$('body').on('click', '.table2', function (event){
//Code here

When there is a click on the body, check if target is .table2, if yes, execute the function.

Solution 2:

I found a workaround for this post.

The problem is in jQuery the function this on click function only refer to the element that got clicked. It's never counted on other elements which is declared as selectors even if they have identical contents.

So the solution if you have same content in multiple elements is to use filter function to search for same values and then you can threated them all as one in your action.

In my case I just need to marked the same a href values in all elements.

The updated snippet

$('.table1, .table2').click(function(c){
	var $item = $(this).attr('href');	
	var checked = $('<img class="checked" src="" width="30" height="30">');
  //$.post("", {data:datas},function(data){// some ajax result//$($item).before(checked);var marked =  $('.table1, .table2').filter(function() {
        return $(this).attr('href') ===  $item;
table {
    font-family: arial, sans-serif;
    border-collapse: collapse;
    width: 100%;

td, th {
    border: 1px solid #dddddd;
    text-align: left;
    padding: 8px;

tr:nth-child(even) {
    background-color: #dddddd;
<scriptsrc=""></script><h2>Table 1</h2><tableclass="table1"><tr><th>Company</th><th>Contact</th><th>Country</th></tr><tr><td><aclass="name"href="">Alfreds Futterkiste</a></td><td>Maria Anders</td><td>Germany</td></tr><tr><td><aclass="name"href="">Centro comercial Moctezuma</a></td><td>Francisco Chang</td><td>Mexico</td></tr><tr><td><aclass="name"href="">Ernst Handel</a></td><td>Roland Mendel</td><td>Austria</td></tr></table><h2>Table 2</h2><tableclass="table2"><tr><th>Company</th><th>Contact</th><th>Country</th></tr><tr><td><aclass="name"href="">Alfreds Futterkiste</a></td><td>Maria Anders</td><td>Germany</td></tr><tr><td><aclass="name"href="">Centro comercial Moctezuma</a></td><td>Francisco Chang</td><td>Mexico</td></tr><tr><td><aclass="name"href="">Ernst Handel</a></td><td>Roland Mendel</td><td>Austria</td></tr></table>

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