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Working With The Espn Api,how Can I Parse This Json?

I'm a newbie currently working with the ESPN API, after querying the API I want it to display the headline, link and image for a story. I have only been able to display the headlin

Solution 1:

You've already done most of it in this code:

$.each(data.headlines, function () {
    var h2 = $("<h2/>").text(this.headline);

this is a reference to the current object in the headlines array, and in addition to the headline property it also has an images property (which is an array). You just need another nested loop to iterate over that array:

$.each(data.headlines, function () {
    var h2 = $("<h2/>").text(this.headline);
    $.each(this.images, function() {
        // do something with each of the images, using this to refer to it// that's a different this to the one before

Solution 2:

in your done function try this

.done(function( data ) {


//put your code

hope this helps...

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