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Mouseout On Specified Divs And Keep Original Div Open

I'm trying to do this in plain english: I have an open div from a mouseover event, when I take the mouse out of the div it closes on mouse out, perfect. What I need is that when I

Solution 1:

$("#openDiv").mouseout(function (e) { //you forgot to add the event `e` elementvar $c = $(;
    if ($'div.x') || $'div.y')) //you forgot $ on the second part
    } else {

Solution 2:

Why don't you simply keep your simple hover logic as it is (hide on mouse out) but then simply re-show it when the mouse is over the X or Y div.

$('#openDiv').mouseout(function() {

$('div.x').mousein(function() {

If you make your $('div.x') selector have an ID or at least a context that isn't the entire DOM, I bet the "flicker" from hiding then showing again isn't even noticeable.

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