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Retaining Special Character While Reading From Html Java?

i am trying to read html source file which contains German characters like ä ö ü ß € Reading using JSOUP citAttr.nextElementSibling().text() Encoding the string with unicod

Solution 1:

I just answered a similar question today... I guess I can just type what I know about extended character sets (foreign-language characters), since that's one of the major facets of the software I write.

  • Java's internal String's all use 16-bit chars (The primitive type char is a 16-bit primitive value. The name UTF-8 is a little misleading since it is used to represent the 16-bit "Unicode Space" (using two 8-bit numbers). This means that Java (and Java String's) have no problems representing the entire Unicode foreign-language alphabet ranges.
  • JSoup, and just about any HTML tool written in Java, when asking for website pages to download, will return 16-bit characters - as Java String's - just fine, without any problems! If there are problems viewing these ranges, it is likely not the download process, nor a JSoup or HttpUrlConnection setting. When you save a web-page to a String in Java, you haven't lost those characters, you essentially get UTF-8 "for free."
  • HOWEVER: Whenever a programmer attempts to save a UTF-8 String to a '.txt' File or a '.html' File, if you then go on to view that content (that file) in a web-browser, all you might see is that annoying question mark: �. This is because you need to make sure to let your web-browser know that the '.html' File that you have saved using Java - is not intended to be interpreted using the (much older, much shorter) 8-bit ASCII Range.

If you view an '.html' File in any web-browser, or upload that file to Google Cloud Platform (or some hosting site), you must do one of two things:

  • Include the <META> Tag mentioned in the comments: <meta charset="UTF-8"> in the HTML Page's <HEAD> ... </HEAD> section.
  • Or provide the setting in whatever hosting platform you have to identify the file as 'text/html, charset=UTF-8'. In Google Cloud Platform Storage Buckets there is a popup menu to assign this setting to any file.

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