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How To Extract Source Html From Webpage?

I am trying to extract the html source of this page, I want what I see when I save the page from chrome as a .html file. I t

Solution 1:

Try using HtmlUnit and setting setJavascriptEnabled(true)

Look also at: this and this

JSoup isn't headless browser to execute Javascript so you must choose other library to get the page and then you can use JSoup to parse it.

Solution 2:

Just to extract the main table can be easily done using Jsoup

here's a method that will take all the content from the main table on the page


        Document doc = Jsoup.connect("").get();
        Element content = doc.getElementById("ddlPairsChoose");
        Elements table = doc.getElementsByClass("applet-content");      



        catch(Exception e){

            System.out.print("error --> " + e);

It prints out the table on the page

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