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How To Make Two Lists Interchangeable, And When Selection Complete Save Dropped

I am using jQuery and specifying two selectors together. Then I try to refer each variable in this code: UL_HeadersToOmit - is the list to choose from UL_dropedCols - is the list t

Solution 1:

Solved: I was missing the receive event as seen below.

$('document').ready(function() {

    var results = [];

    $('#UL_dropedCols, #UL_HeadersToOmit').sortable({
        tolerance: 'pointer',
        connectWith: '#UL_HeadersToOmit, #UL_dropedCols',
        receive: function(event, ui) {
            var draged = ui.item.attr("id");

    $('#next').click(function() {
        var RLength = results.length;
        for (var i = 0; i < RLength; i++) {


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