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White Space On Right Side Of Header On Zoom

I am developing this website. The problem I am facing is white space on right side of header on zoom in. I did all sorts of things but failed to fill the white with area of header

Solution 1:

There are lot of issues , follow as suggested below:

1 .slideshow{margin: -10px 0 0 50px;} Remove this line from the class .slideshow

2 .headrouter{ padding-left:100px; width:1200px;} Remove padding-left and set width:1100px

3 #site_content {margin-left:50px; } remove margin-left

4 Add overflow-x:hidden to body like below:

body {
       background: none repeat scroll 00#FFFFFF;
       font: 80% Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
       overflow-x: hidden;

That should resolve the issue.

Solution 2:

It is because on your you have width:98% for your class

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