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How Can I Base64_encode And Base64_decode String With Html Tags?

I have a problem with base64 decode For example, I have this code: else if($_POST['submit']==2){ $send = base64_encode($text_success); wp_redirect( home_url('/sales

Solution 1:

The problem is related to the fact that the base64 alphabet is not URL-safe. In this particular case, your base64-encoded string contains a +, which is interpreted as a space.

To solve this, you can either:

  • Use a URL-safe version of the base64 alphabet, i.e. replacing + with -, / with _, and trimming the trailing = paddding, as described in RFC4648. This answer includes a code sample for this approach.
  • URL-encode your content after base64 encoding, turning + into %2B, / into %2F, and = into %3D.

This should solve your problem, but it goes without saying that in an untrusted environment, giving users the ability to inject raw HTML into your site constitutes a serious security risk.

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