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How Can I Get The Value Of An Input In A Specific Table Cell Using Javascript?

I'm wondering how can I get the value of an input in a specific table cell using javascript? I assume getting the innerHTML of a sp

Solution 1:

If you don't have any id on the element you are after, then you could get the first child of the td by:

var x = document.getElementById("tabela").rows[n].cells[n].children[0].value;

Or if you want the first child to be specific to input then:

var x = document.getElementById("tabela").rows[n].cells[n].getElementsByTagName('input')[0].value;

Solution 2:

You could use firstChild.value like this:

var x = document.getElementById("tabela").rows[2].cells[3].firstChild.value;


Solution 3:

If you can provide id to your input element,


<td><input type="text"id="text1"/></td>


var x = document.getElementById("text1").value;

Solution 4:

You can use querySelector() DOM method:

document.querySelector('#tabela tr:nth-child(2) td:nth-child(3) > input').value


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