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I Can't Get Two Jquery Slides To Work Simultaneously

I am trying to get two jQuery slides to work in a HTML page. I can't seem to get both of the slides to work simultaneously, however I can make one work at a time. Individually bot

Solution 1:

You would need to start by looking at both your included html files. Including two different jquery instances will cause trouble right off the bat.

First slide:

script language="javascript"type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.js"

Second slide:

script type="text/javascript" src="

Instead do a single jquery script on the page referencing your slides included in the main page <head> tag.

If after doing this one still does not work, check for duplicate id's in all of your elements between both .html files.

Solution 2:

To start, if you include both those pages as you are above then you'll end up with a page with 3 sets of <html> tags and 3 <head> sections, 3 <body>'s etc.

You'll also end up including JQuery more than once, which can cause problems.

You'd be better creating one page (i.e. 1 set of <html>, <head>, and <body> tags), and just create new instances for each slideshow on that page.

Creating an instance on div with id="lofslidecontent45" :

 $( function(){ 
        $('#lofslidecontent45').lofJSidernews( { 
         } );                      

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