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How Do I Display Whole Number In Javascript?

Let's say I write this in JS: var product = 50000000*39048902222211111111111111111111: alert(product); //this gives me 1.9524451111105555e+39. Is there any way to display the whol

Solution 1:

The integer values you are trying to represent are larger than the integer precision that Javascript can handle (fixed-precision arithmetic). Maximum safe integers are -9007199254740991 to 9007199254740991 or +/-(2^53-1)

While 9007199254740992 can be represented it is considered unsafe. Why? Try this jsFiddle


alert(9007199254740992 + 1);



See specification ecma-262/5.1/#sec-8.5

But you can use a library for arbitrary-precision arithmetic, or roll your own.

Using one such library, bignumber.js, loaded using require.js


    paths: {
        bignumberjs: ''

require(['bignumberjs'], function (BigNumber) {
        EXPONENTIAL_AT: 100

    var product = newBigNumber('50000000').times('39048902222211111111111111111111');





On jsFiddle

Solution 2:

Try somthing like this:

Number.prototype.realValue = function(){
    returnthis.toString().replace(/^([+-])?(\d+).?(\d*)[eE]([-+]?\d+)$/, function(x, s, n, f, c){
        var l = +c < 0, i = n.length + +c, x = (l ? n : f).length,
        c = ((c = Math.abs(c)) >= x ? c - x + l : 0),
        z = (newArray(c + 1)).join("0"), r = n + f;
        return (s || "") + (l ? r = z + r : r += z).substr(0, i += l ? z.length : 0) + (i < r.length ? "." + r.substr(i) : "");

Acess the medthod like:

var product = 50000000*39048902222211111111111111111111:

Sources:Javascript display really big numbers rather than displaying xe+n

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