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Css Overflow:hidden Hiding A List's Bullets?

I've just noticed something funny. Let's say I have a HTML list:
  1. Lorem
  2. ipsum
  3. dolor
  4. Solution 1:

    This is the default behavior as far as I´m aware, if the list-style-position is outside, bullets of an ul and numbers of an ol do not show. At least in Firefox, I remember seeing it before in older versions.

    Solution 2:

    Browsers add default margin and padding to lists. Try using a reset.css first to remove default styles that way you can start clean and fresh without unexpected behavior. Do a search for Eric Meyer's reset. Hope it helps.

    Solution 3:

    I've seen my bullets/numbers get clipped when there is not enough padding on the left side of the ul. Try adding a bit and see if that helps.

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