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Scraping A Complex Table Using Beautifulsoup And Python


Solution 1:

Given the html you provided, this should work :

if soup.find('tr', attrs={'class':'listHeader'}) : 
    headers = [ 
        'none'if c isNoneelse c.get_text(strip=True) 
        for c in soup.find('tr', attrs={'class':'listHeader'}).findAll('th') 
else : 
    headers = None

table = soup.find('table', attrs={'id':'MainContent_grdUsers2'})
data = []

for tr in table.find_all('tr')[1:] : 
    td = tr.find_all('td') 
    try : 
        data += [ 
                td[0].getText() , 
                td[2].find('option', {'selected':'selected'}).getText(), 
                td[3].find('option', {'selected':'selected'}).getText(), 
                td[6].find('option', {'selected':'selected'}).getText()
    except Exception as ex : 
        #print(ex)  ## you can uncomment this line for debugging ##continuefor row in data : 
    print(' '.join(str(r) for r in row))


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