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Show Multiple Fields Based On Dropdown

I'm trying to show / hide fields based on the drop down menu specifying 'other', however only the first element shows, how do I make all fields with li id = 'osother' appear when s

Solution 1:

You must use ID only once in a document, so you have to change #osother to .osother. And also fields should be hidden when the value of dropdown is changed from osother.

JSFiddle is here.


<ul><li><p>Operating System:
        <SelectClass="selectmenu"id="whatever"name="OS"onchange="markDirty();"required><optionvalue="">-- Select an Option --</option><optionvalue="Win">Windows</option><optionvalue="ios">iOS</option><optionvalue="otheros">Other</option></select></p></li><liclass="osother">Please Specify:
    <labelid="oslabel"><inputname="Other OS"type="text"placeholder="Other OS"size="50" /></label></li><liclass="osother">Version:
    <labelid="version"><inputname="OSV"type="text"placeholder="OS Version"size="50" /></label></li></ul>


$(document).ready(function () {
$("select").change(function () {
    $("select option:selected").each(function () {
        if ($(this).attr("value") == "otheros") {
        } else {


.osother {

Solution 2:

You have a few errors here:

  1. You need to encapsulate your li within ul

  2. id needs to be unique- as it is assumed to be, the selector will only return on (the first) element, you should use e.g. a class instead, allowing you to select multiple elements within the same grouping

  3. In your HTML you have capitalised Class and Select, these should be lowercase

Demo Fiddle


<ul><li><p>Operating System:
            <selectclass="selectmenu"id="whatever"name="OS"onchange="markDirty();"required='required'></select></p></li><liclass="osother">Please Specify:
        <labelid="oslabel"><inputname="Other OS"type="text"placeholder="Other OS"size="50" /></label></li><liclass="osother">Version:
        <labelid="version"><inputname="OSV"type="text"placeholder="OS Version"size="50" /></label></li></ul>


$(document).ready(function () {
    $("select").change(function () {
        $("select option:selected").each(function () {
            if ($(this).attr("value") == "otheros") {

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