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Single Page Application And Inline Fancybox Not Working Properly

I'm trying to make a SPA and use the Hot Towel template with durandal. So far I have succesfully added a Fancybox to my spa and it shows a image
<aclass="fancybox-link">Inline</a><divstyle="display: none"><divid="inlineContent"style="width:1000px;"><h2>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet</h2><p><aid="add_paragraph"title="Add"class="button button-blue"href="javascript:;">Add new paragraph</a>&nbsp;<ahref="javascript:$.fancybox.close();">Close</a></p><p>
                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


 $("a.fancybox-link").click(function (e) {
                content: $('#inlineContent').html(),
                type: 'inline'             

Bye bye

Solution 2:

If you already initialized fancybox

$(".fancybox-thumb").fancybox({openEffect:'elastic',closeEffect:'elastic',helper: {
        title: {
        thumbs: {

then you can use the same script for both your images AND your inline content, so the link for the image(s) :

<aclass="fancybox-thumb"rel="fancybox-thumb"href=""title="Porth Nanven (MarcElliott)"><imgalt=""src="" /></a>

and the link for the inline content :


Notice that we added the data-fancybox-type="inline" attribute to define the type of content for this specific item.

Your inline html structure can remain the same :

<divid="inline"style="display:none;width:500px;"><p><aid="add_paragraph"title="Add"class="button button-blue"href="javascript:;">Add new paragraph</a>&nbsp;<ahref="javascript:$.fancybox.close();">Close</a></p><p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.</p></div>


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