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How To Select Previous Element In Jquery?

i have an image and i would like to assign which element of the area is clickable. The red stripe shouldn't be clickable. My HTML solution: or $(this).parent('map').
  • Select the image sibling, which is by chaining .prev('img') to the selector above
  • Therefore, something like this should work:

    $('.show-modal').on('click', function(e){
        var highres = $(this).closest('map').prev('img').attr('data-highres');
        $('.modal').css('display', 'block');
        $('#modal-image').attr('src', highres);

    Solution 2:

    You can use below code, modify as per your requirements.

    var getData = $('#imgID').data("highres");
    <scriptsrc=""></script><imgsrc="url/to/your/image.jpg"id="imgID"data-highres="high"alt="image_name"usemap="#Map" /><divname="Map"id="Map"></div>

    Solution 3:

    Just add a class to your image like this:

    <img src="" data-highres="Hello"class="imgCLASS" usemap="#img">

    and then make this:

    var highres = $('.imgCLASS').attr("data-highres");
    alert(highres); // Hello

    Solution 4:

    Refer the element by DOM traversal:

        $('.show-modal').on('click', function(e){//called when the element with show.modal class is clickedalert("map area clicked");
        $('.show-modal').parent().prev().on('click', function (e) {//called when the element before the map area element is clickedalert("previous element of map area is clicked");

    The later one works for all types of element tags. If you want it to be specific to image types, specify the element type in prev(). i.e.,

        $('.show-modal').parent().prev('img').on('click', function (e) {//called when the element before the map area element is clickedalert("Image is clicked");

    Solution 5:

        $('.show-modal').on('click', function(){
            var $this = $(this).parent('map').prev('img').attr('data-highres');

    here is simple code. i get all the time the same attr. ->data-highres="pages/dn/high/dn-02.jpg"

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