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Ie Css Border Missing When Using Display:none

In Internet Explorer (I've tested in all v6 - v9) the border on the sub-menu does not at first appear when you hover over the text. The second time you hover it will display. It wo

Solution 1:

As mentioned in the comment, it looks like you are missing a doctype.

Oldie but goodie:

Solution 2:

As I posted in the comments to the original question, the example on your page that you link definitely doesn't have a doctype listed at all in the code. I'd recommend adding a doctype, and it should correct your issue.

I've created your example on jsfiddle here and tested it on IE6-IE9, and it seems to work fine:

They include a valid doctype with all of their pages, and it appears work fine.

That said, you can use the pseudo :hover item in the css, however :hover doesn't work consistently in the older versions of IE, so that may not be an option without adding some additional code to add in support for it (maybe modernizer supports this).

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