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Text Color Of Link With "active" Class

I have a navigation bar, and I need the active page, marked by 'subactive' class on the li element to have white text instead of black. The HTML and CSS can be found here: http://j

Solution 1:

That's largely due to how CSS "weighs" the styles. IDs always have more presidence over a standard tag name, class name or pseudo-class. A simple solution is to be as-specific with your anchor class applying the "Active" styling as you are with the rest of the standard elements. Basically:


Should become


If that doesn't work for your schema, you'll need to either turn #sidenav in to a class, or work-around it some other way.

By the way, what I was referring to earlier is a style's specificity. As it currently stands, your styles weigh in like so:

#sidenavaa=0, b=1, c=0, d=1 -> specificity = 0,1,0,1.subactiveaa=0, b=0, c=1, d=1 -> specificity = 0,0,1,1#sidenav.subactiveaa=0, b=1, c=1, d=1 -> specfiicity = 0,1,1,1

Almost think of it like this:

(a * 1000) + (b * 100) + (c * 10) + d

The style with the highest number wins.

Solution 2:

Either add !imporatant:

    color: #fff!important;



Or increase the specificity of the definition:

Solution 3:

I wouldn't use the !important if I didn't need to.

To make it work I would replace the line

#sidenava:hover, .subactivea


#sidenava:hover, #sidenav.subactivea:link

and remove the code below which doesn't seem to be used

   color: #fff;
   background-color: #034676;

​ Check out the working example on

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