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Font Awesome And Ie7 Issues

I'm using bootstrap 3 and have to support ie7. Ideally I would like to use font for icons. They work great in all other browsers except ie7 :( The icons appear fine using ie on the

Solution 1:

Font Awesome version 4.0.1 does not support IE7, see the bottom of their getting started page:

Version 3.2.1 has support, see their IE7 section at the bottom of their 3.2.1 getting page

There is an app called Icomoon that can create custom icon fonts, and can include icons from Font Awesome. Their old version of the application generates a Javascript file for IE7 that will allow the icon fonts to be used, the old version of the app is here

Solution 2:

Perhaps the charset is assumed wrongly. Try including <meta charset="utf-8"> in the <head>.

Solution 3:

If your icons are not intented to change at runtime, you can use the following CSS to add support for IE6 and IE7 for whatever icons you need :

.icon-glass {
  *zoom: expression( this.runtimeStyle['zoom'] = '1', this.innerHTML = '&#xf000;');

If your icons are intended to change at runtime, you could do something like this instead :

.icon-glass {
  *top: expression(0, this.innerHTML = '&#xf000;');

Unfortunately, this second approach is extremely slow. While it is likely to work in IE6 with a significant reduction of your performance, IE7 is likely to crash if you have too many icons on your page. So I wouldn't recommend this second technique unless you use only very few icons and you can afford the performance reduction.

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