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Include Only Part Of A Partial View With Razor Mvc

I am using ASP.NET Razor MVC and am using Partial Views for common content that I don't want to update on every single page. I am using the below syntax to include my partial vie

Solution 1:

You could make the partial strongly typed to a view model:

    publicbool ShowOnlyPartA { get; set; }

and then make your view strongly typed to this model:


<div class="divA">

@if (Model == null || !Model.ShowOnlyPartA)

and then you could call your partial like this:

@Html.Partial("PartialView", newMyViewModel { ShowOnlyPartA = true }) 

or like this:


Solution 2:

Excellent question as well as an answer from Darin. As an alternative, pass a string instead:

<!-- View -->
@Html.Partial("PartialView", "divA") 

<!-- PartialView -->
@if (Model == "divA")

@if (Model == "divB")

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