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On Click - Make @html.displayfor An Editable Text Field

So I am playing with a practice site I made and I want to attempt a feature that will allow me to select any data value in the table, edit it, then save it to the Database. Right n

Solution 1:

In your Razor template, you will need both an @Html.DisplayFor(...) and an @Html.EditorFor(...). The text field should be hidden, and upon clicking the display text, JavaScript needs to hide the display text and show the text field, then set focus to it:

<span class="item-display">
    @Html.DisplayFor(modelItem => modelItem.Description)
    @Html.EditorFor(modelItem => modelItem.Description)

Some CSS:

.item-field: {
    display: none;

And some jQuery for good measure:

    .on("click", "span.item-display", function(event) {
    .on("keypress", "span.item-field", function(event) {
        if (event.keyCode != 13)


        var$field = $(event.currentTarget),
            $display = $field.prev("span.item-display");



When pressing ENTER on the text field, it will hide the field and show the display, plus update the display.

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